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VoIP in iOS 10 issues (Xcode 8 beta 3)

When using VoIP in an app that works fine in previous iOS versions, I have some runtime issues in iOS 10. The first error I receive is:

Failed to install UIApplication keep alive handler. VoIP keep-alive
timer handler could not be successfully installed. ('voip' must be 
present in UIBackgroundModes in the application Plist.)

I have added the 'Privacy - VoIP Usage Description' key pair to Info.plist, but it is still not working. 'voip' is already in my UIBackgroundModes values too.

Once I am connecting a VoIP call (whether as the caller or recipient), I also receive the ominous error:

[access] <private>

It seems that some of these things are still changing with each additional Xcode 8 beta, but there is little to no documentation. Any idea how to fix these errors?


  • The NSCameraUsageDescription key was missing from my Info.plist. After adding that, to use VoIP video calling, the

    [access] <private>

    error was resolved.