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What does "hidden-link:" mean in Azure Resource Manager Tags

I exported an Azure Resource Manager JSON template from my resource group on Azure. I see a bunch of tags in the generated file like:

"tags": {
    "hidden-link:/subscriptions/[my-subscription-id-here]/resourceGroups/[my-resource-group]/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/[my-database-server-name]/databases/[my-database-name]": "Resource"

The only documentation I can find on it is from Using tags to organize your Azure resources, which says:

You may see tags that start with "hidden-" and "link:". These are internal tags, which you should ignore and avoid changing.

The problem is that I'm going to be deploying this resource template to a completely different subscription than the one whose ID is hard-coded into the tag. Any meaning that the hard-coded subscription id has in this tag will be lost. Can I safely remove this tag? What does it mean, and how is it used once deployed?


  • These tags are used to associate related resources. They are used to populate the Linked Resources section. Removing the tags will prevent resources from displaying as Linked Resources but will not impact any functionality.

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