I'm trying to use the Google Monitoring API to retrieve metrics about my cloud usage. I'm using the Google Client Library for Python.
The API advertises the ability to access over 900 Stackdriver Monitoring Metrics. I am interested in accessing some Google App Engine metrics, such as Instance count, total memory, etc. The Google API Metrics page has a list of all the metrics I should be able to access.
I've followed the guides on the Google Client Library page , but my script making the API calls is not printing the metrics, it is just printing the metric descriptions.
How do I use the Google Monitoring API to access the metrics, rather than the descriptions?
My Code:
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
from apiclient.discovery import build
response = monitor.projects().metricDescriptors().get(name='projects/{my-project-name}/metricDescriptors/appengine.googleapis.com/system/instance_count').execute()
print(json.dumps(response, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
I expect to see the actual instance count. How can I achieve this?
For anyone reading this, I figured out the problem. I was assuming the values would come from the 'metric descriptors' class in the api, but that was a poor assumption.
For values, you need to use a 'timeSeries' call. For this call, you need to specify the project you want to monitor, start time, end time, and a filter (the metric you want, such as cpu, memory, etc.)
So, to retrieve the app engine project memory, the above code becomes
request = monitor.projects().timeSeries().list(name='projects/my-appengine-project',
response = request.execute()
This example has the start time and end time to cover a month of data.