Before marking as duplicate question,kindly read it. I have different problem here. I want to generate this kind of Query using yii2 search model.
select * from t1 innerjoin t2 on ( = where ((t1.price >= '1000' and t1.price <= '5000') OR
( t2.price >= '1000' and t2.price <= '5000' ))
Joining is not a problem here. The main problem is the where clause. I tried this but not working.
['>=', 't1.price', $this>start_price],
['<=', 't1.price', $this->end_price]
['>=', 't2.price', $this->start_price],
['<=', 't2.price', $this->end_price]
['>=', 't1.price', $this>start_price],
['<=', 't1.price', $this->end_price]
['>=', 't2.price', $this->start_price],
['<=', 't2.price', $this->end_price]