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Fetching Google Plus profile url and email

If I open someone's Google Plus Profile Page I see contact info and information shared on Google Plus. I looking for similar information on Google API. I'm trying to fetch list of user's contacts with email and google plus profile id, that's all.

Here I can fetch user connections with Google Plus profile url but without email or phone number.

Here I can fetch person contacts with email and phone number (OAuth2) - without Google Plus profile url nor id{GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_NAME}

But I don't know how to combine this two outputs, to get have Google Plus profile url and contact information.


  • You are correct. To retrieve profile information for a user, use the people.get API method. To get profile information for the currently authorized user, use the userId value of me.

    gapi.client.load('plus','v1', function(){
    var request ={
    'userId': 'me'
    request.execute(function(resp) {
    console.log('Retrieved profile for:' + resp.displayName);

    Note that this method requires authentication using a token that has been granted the OAuth scope or

    Plus.People.List listPeople = plus.people().list(
    "me", "visible");
    PeopleFeed peopleFeed = listPeople.execute();
    List<Person> people = peopleFeed.getItems();
    // Loop through until we arrive at an empty page
    while (people != null) {
    for (Person person : people) {
    // We will know we are on the last page when the next page token is
    // null.
    // If this is the case, break.
    if (peopleFeed.getNextPageToken() == null) {
    // Prepare the next page of results
    // Execute and process the next page request
    peopleFeed = listPeople.execute();
    people = peopleFeed.getItems();

    Here's a related SO ticket which discuss how to fetch user email from Google+ Oauth: How to get user email from google plus oauth