I'm still a Linux newbie and I'm wondering: What is the Linux directory // ?
I can change dir (cd) to the root dir using cd /
~> cd /
Using pwd (print name of working directory) tells me I'm in root (/)
/> pwd
Using ls (list directory contents) I see the following (using Raspbian Jessie)
/> ls
bin boot dev etc home include lib lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin share srv sys tmp usr var
By mistake I changed dir to // and found that it was valid:
~> cd //
Also using pwd tells me I'm in a directory called // :
//> pwd
But using ls I see the that I'm probably still in 'something' looking like root.
//> ls
bin boot dev etc home include lib lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin share srv sys tmp usr var
... but telling me it's called // (rootroot ;-)
So what is directory // ?
In Linux (and most other platforms), multiple slashes in a path are interpreted the same as a single slash. However, the POSIX specification states that:
A pathname that begins with two successive slashes may be interpreted in an implementation-defined manner, although more than two leading slashes shall be treated as a single slash.
// may be reserved for a special purpose (e.g: accessing a network drive in Cygwin). However, if you check ls in / and // on Linux you should see the same content.