I have written a batch script to get a particular value or update values from sql database. It works only for some times,listed below.
case 1:
First time not works (not update) but returns - 1 rows affected
Second time it works (update well in db) returns - 1 rows affected
case 2:
some times thrown an error (Sqlcmd: 'username=': Invalid argument. Enter '-?' for help.)
Find my cmd error here.
Please find my script and sql code below.
:: DB Properties
SET dbUsername=YYYY
SET dbPassword=ZZZZ
SET dataBaseName=KKKK
:: SQL Properties
SET originId=50
ECHO DB NAME - %dataBaseName%
ECHO Select an option
ECHO 1.Token
ECHO 2.Activate
SET /P option=Enter an option:
IF "%option%"=="1" ( SET /P inputUserName=Enter username:
sqlcmd -S %dbPath% -U %dbUsername% -P %dbPassword% -i token.sql -v dbName=%dataBaseName% username=%inputUserName% )
IF "%option%"=="2" ( SET /P inputUserName=Enter username:
sqlcmd -S %dbPath% -U %dbUsername% -P %dbPassword% -i update.sql -v dbName=%dataBaseName% username=%inputUserName% orgId=%originId% )
ECHO Executed Successfully ..!!
use $(dbName);
select VerificationCode from users where username = '$(username)'
use $(dbName);
UPDATE users
SET passwordHash = (SELECT PasswordHash FROM users WHERE userid = $(orgId)),
passwordsalt = (SELECT passwordsalt FROM users WHERE userid = $(orgId)),
isActive = 1,
emailConfirmed = 1
WHERE username = '$(username)'
How to resolve this problem ?
Reference here
1. Enable the delayed expansion
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
2. Change the passed reference from %inputUserName% to !inputUserName!
It works !!