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Is it possible to create dynamic drop-down boxes in Hyperion Planning forms

I'm working on my first sandbox Hyperion planning application and I'm curious if its possible to create dynamic drop-down boxes in planning forms. For example, if a form requires the planner to select a Team/Cost Center, Company and Currency would it be possible to create a form that is dynamic such that:

When the planner picks a particular cost center, the Company and Currency drop-down boxes are then dynamically populated with all the valid choices given the selected cost center / team.


  • Without Hyperion in front of me, I can't remember if I got all the syntax correct, but it should be pretty close to this.

    In Dropdown1 OnChange script:

    var objDD1 = this;
    var objDD2 = ActiveDocument.Sections['Dashboard'].Shapes['Dropdown2'];
    var value1 = 'Selection';
    var objTable1 = ActiveDocument.Sections['Table'];
    var objColumn1 = objTable1.Columns['List_Items'];
    var value2 = 'Selection2';
    var objTable2 = ActiveDocument.Sections['Another Table'];
    var objColumn2 = objTable2.Columns['List_Items'];
    // go through this dropdown
    for(var x=1; x<=objDD1.Count; x++)
      // stop when you get to the item that's selected
      if(objDD1.Item(x) == objDD1.SelectedIndex)
        // pick the correct list
          case value1:
            var objTable = objTable1;
            var objColumn = objColumn1;
          case value2:
            var objTable = objTable2;
            var objColumn = objColumn2;
            Console.Writeln('Error with selection');
        // empty the target dropdown
        // Go through all the rows of the table
        for(var y=1; y<=objTable.RowCount; y++)
          // from the column, go through each cell in order
          var value = objColumn.GetCell(y);
          // add the contents of that cell to the dropdown options
      // dropdowns only have one selection.  
      // once that's found, stop the for loop