I have case class
case class MyCaseClass(City : String, Extras : Map[String, String])
and user defined function which returns scala.collection.immutable.Map
def extrasUdf = spark.udf.register(
(age : Int, name : String) => Map("age" -> age.toString, "name" -> name)
but this breaks with Exception:
import spark.implicits._
.select('City, 'Age, 'Name)
.withColumn("Extras", extrasUdf('Age, 'Name))
I should use spark sql's MapType(DataTypes.StringType, DataTypes.IntegerType) but I can't find any working example...
And this works if I use scala.collection.Map but I need immutable Map
There are many problems with your code:
You are using def extrastUdf =
, which creates a function for registering a UDF as opposed to actually creating/registering a UDF. Use val extrasUdf =
You are mixing value types in your map (String
and Int
), which makes the map be Map[String, Any]
as Any
is the common superclass of String
and Int
. Spark does not support Any
. You can do at least two things: (a) switch to using a string map (with age.toString
, in which case you don't need a UDF as you can simply use map()
) or (b) switch to using named structs using named_struct()
(again, without the need for a UDF). As a rule, only write a UDF if you cannot do what you need to do with the existing functions. I prefer to look at the Hive documentation because the Spark docs are rather sparse.
Also, keep in mind that type specification in Spark schema (e.g., MapType
) is completely different from Scala types (e.g., Map[_, _]
) and separate from how types are represented internally and mapped between Scala & Spark data structures. In other words, this has nothing to do with mutable vs. immutable collections.
Hope this helps!