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In Kodein dependency injection, how can you inject instances of Kodein itself into instances?

In Kodein, I have modules imported into a parent module, and sometimes the classes need an instance of Kodein so they can do injection themselves later. The problem is this code:

val parentModule = Kodein {

Where SomeService.module needs the Kodein instance for later, but Kodein isn't yet created. Passing it later into the module seems like a bad idea.

In Kodein 3.x I see there is the kodein-conf module that has a global instance, but I want to avoid the global.

How do other modules or classes get the Kodein instance?

Note: this question is intentionally written and answered by the author (Self-Answered Questions), so that the idiomatic answers to commonly asked Kotlin/Kodein topics are present in SO.


  • In Kodein 3.x (and maybe older versions) you have access to a property within the initialization of any module called kodein that you can use in your bindings.

    Within your module, the binding would look like:

    bind<SomeService>() with singleton { SomeService(kodein) }

    For a complete example and using a separation of interfaces vs. implementation, it might look something like this:

    interface SomeService {
       // ...
    class DefaultSomeService(val kodein: Kodein): SomeService {
        companion object {
            val module = Kodein.Module {
                bind<SomeService>() with singleton { DefaultSomeService(kodein) }
        val mapper: ObjectMapper = kodein.instance()
        // ...

    You can import the module from the parent as you noted and it will receive its own reference to the current Kodein instance.

    val kodein = Kodein {