I am starting a process in jbpm through camel by passing the variable map. In jbpm I am changing the value of that variable(here "name") and I am not able to get the variable back to camel. Following is the code :
final Map map = new HashMap();
JBPMConfiguration bPMConfiguration = new JBPMConfiguration();
bPMConfiguration.setConnectionURL(new URL(""));
JBPMEndpoint bPMEndpoint = new JBPMEndpoint("jbpm:http", new JBPMComponent(), bPMConfiguration);
JBPMProducer bPMProducer=(JBPMProducer) bPMEndpoint.createProducer();
if (bPMProducer instanceof JBPMProducer) {
Exchange exchange = ((JBPMProducer) bPMProducer).createExchange();
map.put("name", "SAntanu");
Here is an example (code is in scala, but i am sure you'll get the idea)
It uses camel-jbpm
to start the process and for custom code to obtain a process variable (pure kie).
In this demo i am using the standard camel-jbpm
component to start the process. To get values, you need a second rest request. At the time of this writing (July 2016), this is not yet supported by the camel-jbpm
component. I am using a custom processor to send the FindVariableInstancesCommand
request for the name
process variable.
I have also listed the import statements, as they might not be as evident as you might have thought (notice it is all kie)
I am using the hiring process from jbpm-workbench *
package demo.http
import java.net.URL
import org.apache.camel.Exchange
import org.apache.camel.component.jbpm.JBPMConstants
import org.apache.camel.scala.dsl.builder.RouteBuilder
import org.kie.api.runtime.manager.RuntimeEngine
import org.kie.api.runtime.process.ProcessInstance
import org.kie.remote.client.api.RemoteRuntimeEngineFactory
import org.kie.remote.jaxb.gen.FindVariableInstancesCommand
import org.kie.services.client.serialization.jaxb.impl.audit.JaxbVariableInstanceLog
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
* todo
class JBpmnRoute extends RouteBuilder {
"direct:jbpmRoute" ==> {
// set the process id
setHeader(JBPMConstants.PROCESS_ID, constant("hiring"))
// in this example: copy map from in.body to header[JBPMConstants.PARAMETERS]
process((e: Exchange) => {
e.getIn().setHeader(JBPMConstants.PARAMETERS, e.in[Map[String, AnyRef]].asJava)
// Start the process
+ "&deploymentId=org.jbpm:HR:1.0&operation=startProcess")
// obtain process variable (in this example "name")
process((e: Exchange) => {
val rte: RuntimeEngine = RemoteRuntimeEngineFactory.newRestBuilder()
.addUrl(new URL("http://localhost:8080/jbpm-console/")).addUserName("admin").addPassword("admin")
val cmd: FindVariableInstancesCommand = new FindVariableInstancesCommand()
val result = rte.getKieSession.execute(cmd).asInstanceOf[java.util.List[AnyRef]].asScala
e.in = result.head.asInstanceOf[JaxbVariableInstanceLog].getValue
log("value of name ${body}")
Test case used
def exampleTest(): Unit = {
val param: Map[String, AnyRef] = Map("name" -> "Mike Wheeler")
val response = template.requestBody("direct:jbpmRoute",
param, classOf[String])
org.junit.Assert.assertThat(response, Is.is("Mike Wheeler"))
*) If you want to test it quickly, run the following docker container
docker run -Pd -p 8080:8080 -p 8001:8001 --name jbpm-workbench docker.io/jboss/jbpm-workbench-showcase