I am trying to port my Ember Application to Angular 2 ,
but i failed to see how can I create
Computed Properties--Properties observing other properties for changes and the reacting
in Angular 2.
[(myVar)] && onMyVarChange= new EventMitter();
Observes changes to it self and the react.
Any help/directions will be great.
Update :
Solved it using answer from @Nazim Used typescript properties
TS (compoment.ts)
private _isValid: boolean;
public get isValid(): boolean {
return this._isValid;
public set isValid(v: boolean) {
this._isValid = v;
// A read only property
private _show: boolean;
public get show(): boolean {
return this._isValid;
Template (component.html)
<h2 *ngIf="show">Show Me</h2>
From what I understand, Angular 2 uses native ES2015 computed properties. For ex. you could define a Person Component:
export class PersonComponent {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
get fullName() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
And then use ngModel
to bind the value of fullName to a template element.