For some time now i have been using the Yahoo Weather Api to get current day temperature and forecasts for statistics in a .Net application in C#. Apparently Yahoo updated their api and the application fails to get the data.
I am using an xml document like this to get the data
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.Load("" + WOEID + "&u=c");
XmlNamespaceManager ns = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
ns.AddNamespace("yweather", "");
XmlNode nod = doc.SelectSingleNode("/rss/channel/link", ns);
link = nod.InnerText;
....more nodes selected....
and like this i get the xml nodes and values to store them in the database.
What changes do I have to make so that the application will work with the new the api?
First of all we need to change the url that we are asking for the forecast from
doc.Load("" + WOEID + "&u=c");
query="select%20*%20from%20weather.forecast%20where%20woeid%20%3D%20"+ WOEID
+ "%20and%20u=%27c%27";
then we need to change the nodes path because the new xml document is slightly different from the old one.
change from
XmlNode nod = doc.SelectSingleNode("/rss/channel/link", ns);
XmlNode nod = doc.SelectSingleNode("/query/results/channel/link", ns);
and everything should be working fine.