I got some problem on AngularJS. my controller, mainCtrl, has this variables :
this.colors = {Sam:blue,Jane:red,Tom:pink};
this.arr = [{person:'Sam',story:'some story'},{name:'Tom',story:'some story2'}]
And I got this code :
<div ng-controller="mainCtrl as vm">
<ul ng-repeat="obj in arr">
<li ng-style={color:vm.color[obj.person]}>{{obj.story}}</li>
I want that the li will be colored such as the color of the person at colors dictionary . how can I handle that? I got undefined every time, but when I do it explictly its work , for Example :
<li ng-style={color:vm.color['Sam']}>{{obj.story}}</li>
It should look like this.
<div ng-controller="mainCtrl as vm">
<li ng-repeat="obj in vm.arr track by $index"
(controllerAs)track by
with ng-repeat
for better performance.ng-repeat
should have been placed in li
Her's a working jsfiddle