I have a structure similar to as follows:
<newsItem title="Item1"></newsItem>
<newsItem title="Item2"></newsItem>
<newsItem title="Item3"></newsItem>
<newsItem title="Item4"></newsItem>
<newsItemCategory title="Cat1">
<newsItem title="Item1"></newsItem>
<newsItem title="Item2"></newsItem>
<newsItem title="Item3"></newsItem>
<newsItem title="Item4"></newsItem>
<newsItem title="Item5"></newsItem>
<newsItem title="Item6"></newsItem>
I am doing a for-each loop and I want all nodes of type newsItem or newsItemCateogory but I don't want to bring back newsItems that are within a newsItemCategory.
to get everything my XSLT is doing the following:
$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::root//* [name() = "newsItem" or name() = "newsItemCategory"]
I am trying to filter this:
$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::root//* [parent::node/name() != "newsItemCategory" and (name() = "newsItem" or name() = "newsItemCategory")]
I don't know if this is the right syntax or if it's possible, but it is not bringing back the results I am looking for.
You can use the parent::
and self::
axes without having to resort to name()
self::newsItem or self::newsItemCategory
and I recommend using not()
over !=
(self:newsItem or self::newsItemCategory) and not(parent::newsItemCategory)
I'm using ancestor-or-self::*[last()]
to get to the top-most element in a generic way, because ancestor-or-self::root
potentially selects more than one element. I don't know how Umbraco templates look like and if this really can happen or not.