I've been trying to change the style of my KML so KmlPoint would be represented with a custom marker of my choice.
Here are the markers I'm using:
I successfully made the wanted points show up with the respective markers, but they look like a color filter might be applied to them or the bitmap is simply corrupted and I don't know why.
Here is my code:
KmlDocument dryKmlDocument = new KmlDocument();
File f2 = new File(appPath + "/dry_hydrant.kml");
Bitmap blueBitmap = ((BitmapDrawable)ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(getResources(), R.drawable.blue, null)).getBitmap();
Style dryStyle = new Style(blueBitmap, 0x901010AA, 1.0f, 0x20AA1010);
ZoneStyler dryZoneStyler = new ZoneStyler(dryStyle, dryKmlDocument, osmView);
dryKmlOverlay = (FolderOverlay)dryKmlDocument.mKmlRoot.buildOverlay(osmView, null, dryZoneStyler, dryKmlDocument);
KmlDocument fireKmlDocument = new KmlDocument();
File f3 = new File(appPath + "/fire_hydrant.kml");
Bitmap redBitmap = ((BitmapDrawable)ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(getResources(), R.drawable.red, null)).getBitmap();
Style fireStyle = new Style(redBitmap, 0x00000000, 1.0f, 0x00000000);
ZoneStyler fireZoneStyler = new ZoneStyler(fireStyle, fireKmlDocument, osmView);
fireKmlOverlay = (FolderOverlay)fireKmlDocument.mKmlRoot.buildOverlay(osmView, null, fireZoneStyler, fireKmlDocument);
Can someone point me to what could be causing this?
EDIT: Imgur didn't want to show up my bmp marker images so I took a screenshot in windows explorer instead.
Use PNG format, and ensure the corners are fully transparent (you cannot do that with the Windows Paint, you need something like IcoFX, Gimp, PhotoShop,... ).