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How to send Synchronous Requests with $http of Angular.js

hey guys I know this issue posted a lot, but nothing doesn't help me that is why I asking this question.Question is I am facing an issue of sending a synchronous request to php. here is my Model function which is sending request.

State.pushData = function () {
    method: 'POST',

    url: 'pushData.php?action=pushdata',
    data: {'status': 'push', 'email' : State.campemail},
    headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
        State.selectedItems = [],

this pushData function send a post request to defined url. and fetch a response. the code written is suppose to execute "State.getCartData()" function on success of request sent initially. But this is not working in this way. both request executes at once. I had tried $http with .post and then methods but same results. like this

   State.pushData = function () {
    {'status': 'push', 'email' : State.campemail}
        State.selectedItems = [],

I want to send request asynchronously, that once pushQuote request completes after that getCartData() function will execute. please share your experience on this. thanks in advance.


  • got an answer to my question after some brainstorming. I return $http in my model and call .then() on returned response. it worked as I want to send request once first is completed successfully. Here is my model function

    State.pushData = function () {
      return $'pushData.php?action=pushdata',
      {'status': 'push', 'email' : State.campemail}

    in above function I just send post request to server and return its response to controller function. which executes right after returning from model. here is my controller function.

    scope.pushIt = function() {
      var responseObj = State.pushData();
        function() { //successs call back
          /*Business logic*/
          State.selectedItems = []
        function() { //Error call back
          /*Business logic*/

    Beauty of this approach is you can use then method as many as you want. they will all execute one by one in chain.

    scope.pushIt = function() {
     var responseObj = State.pushData();
      function() { //successs call back
       /*Business logic*/
      function() { //Error call back
       /*Business logic*/
       function() { //successs call back
       /*Business logic*/
       function() { //Error call back
        /*Business logic*/