I have implemented UISearchController to search data of my app. it is working fine for ios 9.
But When i run the app on IOS 8.1 simulator following issues happens when i srart search.
Search result controller tableview is not fit with the window.
I implemented UISearchViewController as follows
override func viewDidLoad() {
let searchResultControllerNetwork = HVNetworkSearchController()
searchResultControllerNetwork.selectRowDelegate = self
searchControllerNetwork = UISearchController(searchResultsController: searchResultControllerNetwork)
let _ = self.searchControllerNetwork.view
searchControllerNetwork.searchResultsUpdater = searchResultControllerNetwork
searchControllerNetwork.searchBar.delegate = self
self.definesPresentationContext = true
//Other codes here
I could not find a solution from the internet and i decided to post the issue here.
Seems this is a IOS 8 bug. This happens because of following reason
Search result controller does not have a navigation bar. IOS 8 use previous view controller tableview height.since there is not navigation bar it reduces from the bottom. How ever we can fix the issue for IOS 8 since it happens on IOS 8.
I have done as follows
@IBOutlet var tableviewBottomConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
if (System version is less than 9.0) {
tableviewBottomConstraint.constant = -(navigation bar height)