I'm writing a theme and I want to get all post tagged with the slug of any specific page by default
like myblog/page1 will return all post taged page1
when i do
{{#get "posts" filter="tags:page1" order="slug asc"}}
{{#foreach posts}}
<p>{{@number}}" </p>
I get my post and everything is fine
but when I add the #post context to get the tag dynamically it doesn't work
I have tried :
{{#get "posts" order="slug asc"}}
{{#foreach posts}}
{{#has tag=@slug}}
<p>{{@number}}" </p>
{{#get "posts" filter="tags:@slug" order="slug asc"}}
{{#foreach posts}}
<p>{{@number}}" </p>
without any success.
Any help would be appreciated
Ok everyone, actually it's pretty simple
{{#get "posts" filter="tags:{{slug}}" order="slug asc"}}
{{#foreach posts}}
<p>{{@number}}" </p>
in the post context , use the slug of the post , only trick is to put handlebars inside handlebars