I am working in python 2.7, tornado web service, peewee for database.
Scenario To get leave report for each month 26 to next month 25.
So I did this below sample scenario(but logically i am stuck it out)
I am getting from_date,to_date from UI(selecting report for 26-04-2016 to 25-05-2016)
Leavetable is a table name (it has Employee id, leave from date, leave to date, working_days)
working_days is nothing but count of each leave(29-04-2016 - 02-05-2016) = 2 (saturday and sunday excluded already)
For a single employee total leave in particular month sample leaves are
24-04-16 - 26-04-16,
28-04-16 - 29-04-16 ,
15-05-2016 to 29-05-2016
My code (Help me to change)
for report in Leavetable.select().where(Leavetable.Employee_ID==employees_id):
db_from_date = report.From_Date
if (from_date<=db_from_date and to_date>=db_from_date):
value= workingday
print value
It getting in value = 3 for the same leave above of
24-04-16 - 26-04-16(it is have to take 1day but not working out by this code)
28-04-16 - 29-04-16(it is taken (2 days)
15-05-2016 to 29-05-2016( 26,27,28,29 have to exclude this 4 days)
Guide me what is the simplest solution to get this logic work out please do the needful.
As per solarflare guidance I added the below code.
But even logically its not fit.The above scenario leave of 15-05-2016 to 29-05-2016 This leave also counting when i am taking report of 15-04-2016 to 15-05-2016
for report in Leavetable.select().where(Leavetable.Employee_ID==employees_id):
for dt in rrule(DAILY, dtstart=report.From_Date,until=report.To_Date):
if (dt.weekday() < 5):
if (report.To_Date>=from_date and report.From_Date<=to_date):
value += 1
print value
I Altered the above code with basic if logic and the above scenario got satisfied The code I listed below may be some variable name may difficult to understand if any comment here:
if (db_from_date>= prev_month and db_to_date<=this_month):
counting = float(working_day)
elif(db_from_date >= prev_month and db_from_date <= this_month and db_to_date > this_month):
counting = float(working_day)
check_point =counting + 0.5
extra_days = workdays.networkdays(this_month_date,db_to_date,holidays)
if int(check_point)==check_point:
extra_days=extra_days - 0.5
elif(db_from_date < prev_month and db_to_date>=prev_month and db_to_date <= this_month):
counting = float(working_day)
extra_days = workdays.networkdays(db_from_date,prev_month_date,holidays)
count = counting - extra_days
elif(db_from_date < prev_month and db_to_date > this_month):
count = workdays.networkdays(prev_month,this_month,holidays)