WSO2 EMM version: 2.0.1
Database: MySQL
Scenario: BYOD (Non-supervised)
WSO2 EMM is not working after use upgrade iOS version. This happens when I upgrade the iOS version from iOS 9.2 to 9.3.
Exception on Server: "Data too long for column UNLOCK_TOKEN"
I accidently deleted server log. I can't downgrade my iOS device & then try again.
Please help me. It's not WSO2's open-source class, so I can't compile & reuse it.
Please note that the EMM version 2.0.1 has not been tested on iOS 9.3.x (1) since the product relases was done prior to the iOS release 9.3.x release.
However the issue seems to be caused by column length of the column UNLOCK_TOKEN, that is too small to hold the token sent by iOS 9.3.x devices. As a solution, you can increase the column length of UNLOCK_TOKEN column in IOS_DEVICE table of the iOS related database.