I am trying to use one super title for multiple subplots. I used annotation
to accomplish that. The annotation
is inside a loop. The problem is the annotation
working fine when it is not dynamic but unfortunately, I need to change title when I use Loop
I used below code which is working when there is no change on the title. (This is just an example of random numbers)
for i=1:3
h(1)=subplot (2,2,1);
plot (a(:,1),a(:,2));
set(h(1),'Position',[.1 .35 .35 .5])
h(2)=subplot (2,2,2);
plot (a(:,1),a(:,2));
set(h(2),'Position',[.55 .35 .35 .5])
annotation('textbox', [0 0.85 1 0.1],'String',...
'Test text Number=1','EdgeColor', 'none','HorizontalAlignment', 'center')
I tried to change annotation
line as below but its not working
annotation('textbox', [0 0.85 1 0.1],'String',...
'Test text Number=%d',i,'EdgeColor', 'none','HorizontalAlignment', 'center')
I do not want to use external function in my code such as (suptitle
This will work:
temp=annotation('textbox', [0 0.85 1 0.1],'String',...
['Test text Number=',num2str(i)],'EdgeColor', 'none','HorizontalAlignment', 'center')