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mgcv: predict.gam() gives different results for type = "terms" and type = "response"

I want to evaluate each component of the predictor from a GAM model separately using the option type="terms". As a sanity check, I compared the results to an evaluation of the total prediction using the option type="response".

It turns out that the results differ. Here is an example:

sig <- 2
dat <- gamSim(1,n=n,scale=sig)

nd <- data.frame(x0=c(.25,.5),x1=c(.25,.5),x2=c(.25,.5),x3=c(.25,.5))

a1 <- predict.gam(b,newdata=nd,type="response") 
a2 <- rowSums(predict.gam(b,newdata=nd,type="terms")) + b$coefficients[1]
a1 - a2 # Should be zero!
#    1    2 
# 0.25 0.50 

Can anyone help me with this problem? Thank you very much for your help!


  • Your model:

    y ~ x0 + s(I(x1^2)) + s(x2) + offset(x3)

    has an offset term.

    Offset will be considered by predict.gam when type = "link" or type = "response", but not considered when type = "terms".

    a1 <- predict.gam(b, newdata=nd, type="response")
    #        1         2 
    #11.178280  6.865068 
    a2 <- predict.gam(b, newdata=nd, type="terms")
    #           x0 s(I(x1^2))      s(x2)
    #1 0.006878346 -1.8710120  5.6467813
    #2 0.013756691 -0.6037635 -0.1905571
    #   7.145632 

    So you have to add offset yourself:

    a2 <- rowSums(a2) + b$coef[1] + nd$x3
    #        1         2 
    #11.178280  6.865068 

    Now a1 and a2 are the same.

    In case you wonder, I have documentation for you in ?predict.gam:

    type: ... When ‘type="terms"’ each component of the linear
          predictor is returned seperately (possibly with standard
          errors): this includes parametric model components, followed
          by each smooth component, **but excludes any offset and any