I solved this problem with the fact that I have to add a MapItemsControl.ItemTemplate. Without this it does not render anything more than the name of the control.
So just add this code:
<Maps:MapItemsControl x:Name="mainMapItems" ItemsSource="{Binding MapItems}">
<StackPanel Background="Transparent">
<TextBlock Maps:MapControl.Location="{Binding Location}" Text="{Binding Title}" Maps:MapControl.NormalizedAnchorPoint="0.5,0.5" FontSize="20" Margin="5"/>
It's not perfect because this will not give you an icon on the map, but rather just a text. But it can easily be solve with adding Image = "" in the Collection.
I'm trying to use MapControl in a Template10 layout.
The code I use is
<Maps:MapControl x:Name="MapControl1"
Loaded="{x:Bind ViewModel.Map_Loaded}"/>
MapControl _Map;
public MapControl Map { get { return _Map; } set { Set(ref _Map, value); RaisePropertyChanged(); } }
public async void Map_Loaded(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e)
MapControl newMap = new MapControl();
Geoposition userLocation = await GetUserLocation();
BasicGeoposition GeoPos_UserLocation = new BasicGeoposition() { Latitude = userLocation.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude, Longitude = userLocation.Coordinate.Point.Position.Longitude };
BasicGeoposition GeoPos_NorthWest = new BasicGeoposition() { Latitude = userLocation.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude + 0.05, Longitude = userLocation.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude + 0.1 };
BasicGeoposition GeoPos_SouthEast = new BasicGeoposition() { Latitude = userLocation.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude - 0.05, Longitude = userLocation.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude - 0.1 };
GeoboundingBox mapBox = new GeoboundingBox(GeoPos_NorthWest, GeoPos_SouthEast);
// Add Point for User
MapIcon Icon_UserLocation = new MapIcon() { Location = new Geopoint(GeoPos_UserLocation) };
newMap.Center = new Geopoint(mapBox.Center);
Map = newMap;
await Task.CompletedTask;
The Map_Loaded function is fired as exepcted. The thing that I have a trouble with is that if this was a normal project I would set the data directly to MapControl1.Center and MapControl1.MapElements.Add. But since this is a MVVM project this is not how it's done and I'm a bit confused on how to proceed.
I would like to do something like Views.MainPage.MapControl1.Center = new Geopoint(), but that clearly does not work.
Additional Update
As it turns out this was as easy as I thought. It was just a matter of thinking in the right order.
The MapControl has controls for Zooming and Center and such. So for MVVM code this works
Center="{Binding MapCenter,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
Zoom="{Binding MapZoom,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
I have however had issues with setting up MapItems as described in the document I sources to.
To get items on the map you need to add MapItemsControl and it should work like such...
<Maps:MapItemsControl x:Name="mainMapItems" ItemsSource="{Binding MapItems,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"></Maps:MapItemsControl>
But my code in MainPageViewModel.xaml does not work with this. The items does not update.
IList<MapElement> _MapItems;
public IList<MapElement> MapItems { get { return _MapItems; } set { Set(ref _MapItems, value); RaisePropertyChanged(); } }
IList<MapElement> MapItems = new List<MapElement>() {
new MapIcon() {
Location = new Geopoint(GeoPos_UserLocation),
Title = "You Are Here!"
Sources: Windows 10 SDK Bing Maps Control
I solved this problem with the fact that I have to add a MapItemsControl.ItemTemplate. Without this it does not render anything more than the name of the control.
So just add this code:
<Maps:MapItemsControl x:Name="mainMapItems" ItemsSource="{Binding MapItems}">
<StackPanel Background="Transparent">
<TextBlock Maps:MapControl.Location="{Binding Location}" Text="{Binding Title}" Maps:MapControl.NormalizedAnchorPoint="0.5,0.5" FontSize="20" Margin="5"/>
It's not perfect because this will not give you an icon on the map, but rather just a text. But it can easily be solve with adding Image = "" in the Collection.