Trying to tokenize a String in C++ which is read from a file, separated by commas, but I only need the first 3 data of every line.
For example:
The lines look like this:
But I only need the first 3 data of these lines. In this case:
140, 152, 2240
156, 72, 2691
356, 72, 3593
I'm trying to add these data into a vector I just don't know how to skip reading a line from the file after the first 3 data.
This is my current code: (canPrint is true by default)
ifstream ifs;"E:\\sample.txt");
if (!ifs)
cout << "Error reading file\n";
cout << "File loaded\n";
int numlines = 0;
int counter = 0;
string tmp;
while (getline(ifs, tmp))
//getline(ifs, tmp); // Saves the line in tmp.
if (canPrint)
//getline(ifs, tmp);
// cout << tmp << endl; // Prints our tmp.
vector<string> strings;
vector<customdata> datalist;
istringstream f(tmp);
string s;
while (getline(f, s, ',')) {
cout << s << " ";
cout << "\n";
How about checking the size of the vector first? Perhaps something like
while (strings.size() < 3 && getline(f, s, ',')) { ... }