I'm using mpz_t for big numbers. I need to convert the mpz_t to binary representation. I tried to use the mpz_export, but the returned array contains only 0s.
mpz_t test;
string myString = "173065661579367924163593258659639227443747684437943794002725938880375168921999825584315046";
int size = mpz_sizeinbase(test,2);
cout << "size is : "<< size<<endl;
byte *rop = new byte[size];
Using gmpxx (since it's taged as c++
#include <iostream>
#include <gmpxx.h>
int main()
mpz_class a("123456789");
std::cout << a.get_str(2) << std::endl; //base 2 representation
There should be equivalent function in plain GMP