I'm writing a test for my Siesta-based class, and I'm trying to access the error I received from the server. In my object, I configured the service like so:
self.service.configure {
$0.config.pipeline[.parsing].add(SwiftyJSONTransformer, contentTypes: ["*/json"])
// other configuration setup
My test contains the following:
api.fetchApiToken(libraryRequiringAuth).onSuccess({ _ in
// Then
XCTFail("Expected request failure, got success")
}).onFailure({ [weak self] (error) in
XCTAssertEqual(error.httpStatusCode, expectedStatusCode)
let serverError: JSON? = error.entity?.typedContent()
XCTAssertEqual(serverError![0]["title"].string, expectedErrorMessage)
print("Expected error is: \(error)")
The line let serverError: JSON? = error.entity?.typedContent()
is setting serverError
to nil
, but in the debugger, I can see that error.entity
exists and has the content I expect. Can I not use SwiftyJSON at this point?
Here are the contents of the error:
Error Error(userMessage: "Forbidden", httpStatusCode: Optional(403), entity: Optional(Siesta.Entity(content: [{
ipRangeError = {
libraryId = 657;
libraryName = "Test library";
requestIp = "my.ip.address.was_here";
status = 403;
title = "Authentication Failed";
userData = {
}], charset: Optional("utf-8"), headers: ["content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"], timestamp: 490978565.82571602)), cause: nil, timestamp: 490978565.825499)
It looks like your SwiftyJSONTransformer
is leaving errors untouched. Try configuring it with transformErrors: true
private let SwiftyJSONTransformer =
ResponseContentTransformer(transformErrors: true)
{ JSON($0.content as AnyObject) }
Without that flag, the error entity is still an NSDictionary
instead of a SwiftyJSON JSON
, and typedContent()
sees those as mismatched types and gives you a nil.
(And to the question in the title: yes, you can get the full error content, as well as response headers and any underlying ErrorType
/ NSError
info from the underlying networking layer.)