I have a variable in my data frame for day of the week.
> str(g.2015.1990$DAY.OF.WEEK)
Factor w/ 7 levels "Friday","Monday",..: 1 3 4 2 6 7 5 1 3 4 ...
R recognizes this as a factor, but is there already a specific format for day of the week I can use instead? I've read questions about generating a day of the week, or specifying the day of a week for a date that you already have; however, I've not read anything about changing the format of a variable you already have into day of the week.
This will probably ultimately be irrelevant to my research; but, I'd feel better moving forward if it were properly formatted. I can't see where this would come up; but, if sequencing ever became an issue, R sequences the factor variable in alphabetical order (Friday, Monday, Saturday, etc.) where as, obviously, chronological order (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc.) would be desirable.
Here is what I've tried:
dayx = as.Date(g.2015.1990$DAY.OF.WEEK, format = "%A")
dayx = as.Date(as.character(g.2015.1990$DAY.OF.WEEK), format = "%A")
dayx = strptime(g.2015.1990$DAY.OF.WEEK, format = "%A")
dayx = strftime(as.character(g.2015.1990$DAY.OF.WEEK, format = "%A"))
dayx = strptime(g.2015.1990$DAY.OF.WEEK, format = "%a")
dayx = as.Date(g.2015.1990$DAY.OF.WEEK, format = "%a")
dayx = as.Date(as.character(g.2015.1990$DAY.OF.WEEK), format = "%a")
dayx = strftime(as.character(g.2015.1990$DAY.OF.WEEK, format = "%a"))
dayx = strptime(sprintf('%s %04d', g.2015.1990$DATE, g.2015.1990$START.TIME, g.2015.1990$DAY.OF.WEEK), '%Y-%m-%d %H%M %a')
Each one seems to simply replace each observation with today's date:
> dayx = as.Date(g.2015.1990$DAY.OF.WEEK, format = "%A")
> dayx[1:25]
[1] "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23"
[6] "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23"
[11] "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23"
[16] "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23"
[21] "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23" "2016-07-23"
Any help is appreciated!
I think this is relevant:
## This is the order you desire
Weekdays <- c("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday")
## This simulates your `g.2015.1990$DAY.OF.WEEK`
set.seed(0); test <- factor(sample(Weekdays, 100, replace = TRUE))
## This simulates what you see from `str(g.2015.1990$DAY.OF.WEEK)`
# Factor w/ 7 levels "Friday","Monday",..: 3 2 6 5 3 2 3 3 5 5 ...
## We can inspect levels
#[1] "Friday" "Monday" "Saturday" "Sunday" "Thursday" "Tuesday"
#[7] "Wednesday"
## This is what you should do to recode `test` for your desired order of levels
tmp <- levels(test)[as.integer(test)] ## much more efficient than `tmp <- as.character(test)`
test <- factor(tmp, levels = Weekdays) ## set levels when using `factor()`
## This is what we see now
# Factor w/ 7 levels "Sunday","Monday",..: 7 2 3 5 7 2 7 7 5 5 ...
# [1] "Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday"
# [7] "Saturday"
So, altogether, try:
Weekdays <- c("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday")
tmp <- levels(g.2015.1990$DAY.OF.WEEK)[as.integer(g.2015.1990$DAY.OF.WEEK)]
## use `Weekdays` defined above
g.2015.1990$DAY.OF.WEEK <- factor(tmp, levels = Weekdays)