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Replacement for enumerateSubstringsInRange in Swift 3

I'm upgrading code from Swift 2 to Swift 3 and ran across this error:

wordcount.swift:7:5: error: value of type 'String' has no member 'enumerateSubstringsInRange' line.enumerateSubstringsInRange(range, options: .ByWords) {w,,,_ in

In Swift 2, this method comes from a String extension of which the compiler is aware.

I have not been able to locate this method in the Swift 3 library. It appears in the documentation for Foundation here:

My entire script is:

import Foundation

var counts = [String: Int]()

while let line = readLine()?.lowercased() {
    let range = line.characters.indices
    line.enumerateSubstringsInRange(range, options: .ByWords) {w,_,_,_ in
        guard let word = w else {return}
        counts[word] = (counts[word] ?? 0) + 1

for (word, count) in (counts.sorted {$0.0 < $1.0}) {
    print("\(word) \(count)")

It works with Swift 2.2 (modulo the changes I have already made for Swift 3, such as lowercase -> lowercased and sort -> sorted) but fails to compile with Swift 3.

And very strangely, neither the Swift 3 command line compiler nor the Swift Migration assistant in XCode 8 Beta suggests a replacement, as it does for many other renamed methods. Perhaps enumerateSubstringsInRange is deprecated or its parameter names changed?


  • If you type str.enumerateSubstrings in a Playground, you'll see the following as a completion option:

    enumerateSubstrings(in: Range<Index>, options: EnumerationOptions, body: (substring: String?, substringRange: Range<Index>, enclosingRange: Range<Index>, inout Bool) -> ())

    In addition to addressing the new enumerateSubstrings(in:options:body:) syntax, you need to also change how you get the range for the string:

    import Foundation
    var counts = [String: Int]()
    while let line = readLine()?.lowercased() {
        let range = line.startIndex ..< line.endIndex
        line.enumerateSubstrings(in: range, options: .byWords) {w,_,_,_ in
            guard let word = w else {return}
            counts[word] = (counts[word] ?? 0) + 1
    for (word, count) in (counts.sorted {$0.0 < $1.0}) {
        print("\(word) \(count)")