I am following Charles Dierbach's book, Introduction to Computer Science using Python.
I am on chapter 5. I am trying to do this exercise on tic-tac-toe automate play.
I am having difficulties creating a function for the pc to select an empty box ([]).
Here is my code
import re
import random
def template():
mylst = list()
for i in range(0, 3):
my_temp = []
for j in range(0, 3):
return mylst
def template_2(alst):
al = ("A", "B", "C")
for a in al:
if a == "A":
print (format(a, ">6"), end="")
if a == "B":
print (format(a, ">5"), end="")
if a == "C":
print (format(a, ">5"), end="")
for j in range(len(alst)):
print(str(j + 1), format( " ", ">1"), end="")
def print_template(alst):
al = ("A", "B", "C")
for a in al:
if a == "A":
print (format(a, ">6"), end="")
if a == "B":
print (format(a, ">4"), end="")
if a == "C":
print (format(a, ">3"), end="")
for j in range(len(alst)):
print(str(j + 1), format( " ", ">1"), end="")
def first_player(lst):
print ("Your symbol is 'X'. ")
alpha = ("A", "B", "C")
#check it was entered correctly
check = True
temp_lst1 = []
while check:
correct_entry = False
while not correct_entry:
coord = input("Please enter your coordinates ")
player_regex = re.compile(r'(\w)(\d)')
aSearch = player_regex.search(coord)
if aSearch == None:
correct_entry = False
if aSearch.group(1) != "A" or aSearch.group(1) != "B" or aSearch.group(1) != "C" or aSearch.group(2) != 1 or aSearch.group(2) == 2 or aSearch.group(3) != 3:
correct_entry = False
if aSearch.group(1) == "A" or aSearch.group(1) == "B" or aSearch.group(1) == "C" or aSearch.group(2) == 1 or aSearch.group(2) == 2 or aSearch.group(3) == 3:
correct_entry = True
correct_entry = True
blank = False
while not blank:
if lst[(int(coord[-1])) - 1][alpha.index(coord[0])] == []:
lst[(int(coord[-1])) - 1][alpha.index(coord[0])] = "X"
blank = True
blank = True
correct_entry = False
if blank == True and correct_entry == True:
check = False
return True
def pc_player(lst):
print ("PC symbol is 'O'. ")
alpha = ("A", "B", "C")
num_list = (0, 1, 2)
for i in range(0, len(lst)):
for j in range(0, len(lst[i])):
if lst[i][j] ==[]:
lst[i][j] = "O"
return True
def check_1st_player(lst):
if lst[0][0] == "X" and lst[0][1] == "X" and lst[0][2] == "X":
return True
elif lst[1][0] == "X" and lst[1][1] == "X" and lst[1][2] == "X":
return True
elif lst[2][0] == "X" and lst[2][1] == "X" and lst[2][2] == "X":
return True
elif lst[0][0] == "X" and lst[1][0] == "X" and lst[2][0] == "X":
return True
elif lst[0][1] == "X" and lst[1][1] == "X" and lst[2][1] == "X":
return True
elif lst[0][2] == "X" and lst[1][2] == "X" and lst[2][2] == "X":
return True
elif lst[0][0] == "X" and lst[1][1] == "X" and lst[2][2] == "X":
return True
elif lst[2][0] == "X" and lst[1][1] == "X" and lst[0][2] == "X":
return True
return False
def check_pc_player(lst):
if lst[0][0] == "O" and lst[0][1] == "O" and lst[0][2] == "O":
return True
elif lst[1][0] == "O" and lst[1][1] == "O" and lst[1][2] == "O":
return True
elif lst[2][0] == "O" and lst[2][1] == "O" and lst[2][2] == "O":
return True
elif lst[0][0] == "O" and lst[1][0] == "O" and lst[2][0] == "O":
return True
elif lst[0][1] == "O" and lst[1][1] == "O" and lst[2][1] == "O":
return True
elif lst[0][2] == "O" and lst[1][2] == "O" and lst[2][2] == "O":
return True
elif lst[0][0] == "O" and lst[1][1] == "O" and lst[2][2] == "O":
return True
elif lst[2][0] == "O" and lst[1][1] == "O" and lst[0][2] == "O":
return True
return False
def play_game():
ask = input("Do you want to play a two player game of Tic-Tac-Toe game? (y/n) ")
if ask in yes_response:
# contruct the template for tic-tac-toe
print("How many rounds do you want to play? " )
print("Please enter only odd integers" )
print("Please enter your coordinates", end="")
print(" using format A1 or B2")
print("New Round")
return True
def play_again():
tell_me = input("Do you want you play a game ? (y/n)")
if tell_me == "Y" or "y":
return True
return False
def is_full(lst):
count = 0
for i in lst:
for j in i:
if j != []:
count += 1
if count == 9:
return True
#-- main
print("Welcome to Awesome 2 Player Tic-Tac-Toe Game? ")
answer = False
yes_response =("Y", "y")
no_response = ("N", "n")
while not answer:
print("Enter an even integer to exit")
ask = int(input("How many matches do you want to play? (odd integers only)? " ))
game = play_game()
structure = template()
if ask % 2 == 1:
score_player1 = 0
score_pc = 0
count = 0
while count < ask:
pc_lst = []
if count >= 1:
structure = template()
while game:
check_pc = True
while check_pc:
check_pc = False
check_pc_winner = True
while check_pc_winner:
game_pc = check_pc_player(structure)
check_pc_winner = False
if game_pc == True:
print("Congratulations PC won")
score_pc += 1
game = False
check_player1 = True
while check_player1:
check_player1 = False
check_first_winner = True
while check_first_winner:
game_first = check_1st_player(structure)
check_first_winner = False
if game_first == True:
print("Congratulations Player 1 won")
score_player1 += 1
game = False
board_full = False
while not board_full:
check_board = is_full(structure)
board_full = True
if check_board == True:
print("This round was a tie.")
game = False
print("Player 1 : ", score_player1, " PC : ", score_pc)
count += 1
game = True
if score_player1 > score_pc:
print("Player 1 won")
elif score_player1 < score_pc:
print("PC won")
if play_again() == False:
answer = True
answer = False
The problem I have is at def pc_player():
I would like to know how to loop the list and sublists so that AI can select an empty box as its choice to place an "O"
My current for loop does not work. AI only selects the first box.
Start by finding all empty boxes:
empty= [(i,j) for i in range(len(lst)) for j in range(len(lst[i])) if lst[i][j]==[]]
Then choose a random one:
import random
chosen_i, chosen_j= random.choice(empty)
And finally put an O
lst[chosen_i][chosen_j]= 'O'