I have a route to a location where I want to make a read
var route = ('F:\\uploads\\ponys');
with var rez = fs.readdirSync(route, 'utf8');
it return an Array of all files(and folders) inside of the route.
[ 'file.rtf',
'New folder']
I want to return an JSON Object which contains name, type and size. How I can proceed to obtain this:
{"name": "file", "type": "rtf", "size": 3445}, [or with "."(.rtf)]
{"name": "Course", "type": "rtf", "size": 900},
{"name": "extra", "type": "png", "size": 2424},
{"name": "ar102", "type": "rar", "size": 340432},
{"name": "New folder", "type": "", "size": 123456789}
For each file in a dir, you're trying to get 3 values:
const path = require('path');
const extension = path.extname('index.html');
// 'html'
const fs = require('fs');
const fileSizeInBytes = fs.statSync('file.html').size;
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const getFileInfoFromFolder = (route) => {
const files = fs.readdirSync(route, 'utf8');
const response = [];
for (let file of files) {
const extension = path.extname(file);
const fileSizeInBytes = fs.statSync(route + file).size;
response.push({ name: file, extension, fileSizeInBytes });
return response;
const { name, extension, fileSizeInBytes } = getFileInfoFromFolder("...")