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Sitecore 8.0 Rev 3 with WFFM 2.4 and Glass.Mapper


  • Sitecore 8.0 Rev 3
  • WFFM 2.4
  • Glass.Mapper

I am having an issue with the above configuration. When I submit a WFFM form the data that is being saved is coming across as "System.String[]" rather than the actual text value. I opened a Sitecore ticket and they found it was because of Glass Mapper. If I disable glass (Glass.Mapper.Sc.config and Glass.Mapper.Sc.Start.config) the forms submit the correct values.

As a side note, I did apply the Sitecore patch which address this issue for collection types but that has nothing to do with Glass. Has anyone else experienced this behavior?

Thanks in advance.


  • Michael Edwards assisted me with the solution.

    His response can be read below:

    This was not a Glass issue but related to the WFFM model binder not being registered with the default MVC dependency resolver due to a conflict between the project IOC container and the one that WFFM tries to use.

    The fix was to register "DefaultFieldValueBinder" with my Container. Once I did that it started to work.