After using several different messaging and RPC systems I have come to the conclusion that you eventually always need traditional RPC, and push events of some kind. Otherwise you inevitably end up with some polling hack.
For example, HTTP originally only supported RPC-style methods (GET and POST return a response immediately). People realised that push events were needed so hacked it using long polling. Eventually this was fixed with Server-Sent Events.
CoAP (a lightweight UDP-based version of HTTP) also supports push events by adding a 'monitor' option to GET requests. It's a pretty elegant solution.
But neither of those are Thrift-style RPC, by which I mean you write an interface definition file, and there is some tool that compiles that interface into native code for your language of choice. Thereafter you can just call remote procedures almost as if they are local ones.
So my question is, are there any Thrift-style RPC systems that let you subscribe to push events and call a callback (or similar) when an event arrives?
(Disclosure: I am the author of Cap'n Proto, and was also the author of Protocol Buffers v2, though I am not affiliated with gRPC.)