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CQ-Dispatcher: How to use allowAuthorized

I know I can activate caching for pages that are called by an authorized user via

/allowAuthorized "1"

in the /cache section.

But if a page is cached it will be delivered to everyone calling it, even to anonymous users. Can I somehow check if the user is allowed to see the content or not?


  • Take a look at (1).

    You can configure a section /auth_checker that defines

    • url: url to a script / servlet that will be called with a HEAD request if a valid page is requested. A page is valid, if it is in the filter section with /type "allow"
    • filter: defines which paths should be checked and which are delivered unchecked.
    • headers: configure additional headers here that are set in the servlet and should go to the frontend

    Here is an example configuration from the Adobe online documentation:

      # request is sent to this URL with '?uri=<page>' appended
      /url "/bin/permissioncheck"
      # only the requested pages matching the filter section below are checked,
      # all other pages get delivered unchecked
          /glob "*"
          /type "deny"
          /glob "/content/secure/*.html"
          /type "allow"
      # any header line returned from the auth_checker's HEAD request matching
      # the section below will be returned as well
          /glob "*"
          /type "deny"
          /glob "Set-Cookie:*"
          /type "allow"

    On the page there is also a sample servlet that can be used to check the user's permissions in AEM.
