I want to get a few hundred separate databases into r from mysql. I can get them in separately but I do not know how to make a loop/function/apply to get all of them in at once.
Here is how I get them in separately.
mydb = dbConnect(MySQL(), user='root', password='nelson', host='localhost', dbname="bookstore")
dub4_4_16 <- dbSendQuery(mydb, "select * from dub" )
dub4_4_16 = fetch(dub4_4_16, n=-1)
reg4_4_16 <- dbSendQuery(mydb, "select * from all_sorted")
reg4_4_16 = fetch(reg4_4_16, n=-1)
dub4_5_16 <- dbSendQuery(mydb, "select * from dub4_5")
dub4_5_16 = fetch(dub4_5_16, n=-1)
I use a list of functions like the ones below (based on functions taken from the tcpl
package) to work in the RMySQL environment. The functions are just wrappers to DBI
calls. This is a very long answer, but the gist of the approach is to create the query strings, the apply over the queries to load the data. The result (results
) gives a list of data.table
objects containing each table from each database in your connection.
## Accessory functions
getQuery <- function(query, db, user = "dayne",
pass = "password", host = "localhost") {
## Change the default values as necessary, or just pass your values
## each time the function is called. Check out the original to see
## how it finds global variables set by the package.
dbcon <- dbConnect(drv = RMySQL::MySQL(),
user = user,
password = pass,
host = host,
dbname = db)
result <- dbGetQuery(dbcon, query)
result <- as.data.table(result)
sendQuery <- function(query, db = "", user = "dayne",
pass = "password", host = "localhost") {
dbcon <- dbConnect(drv = RMySQL::MySQL(),
user = user,
password = pass,
host = host,
dbname = db)
temp <- try(dbSendQuery(dbcon, query), silent = TRUE)
if (!is(temp, "try-error")) dbClearResult(temp)
if (!is(temp, "try-error")) return(TRUE)
appendTable <- function(dat, tbl, db, user = "dayne",
pass = "password", host = "localhost") {
dbcon <- dbConnect(drv = RMySQL::MySQL(),
user = user,
password = pass,
host = host,
dbname = db)
dbWriteTable(conn = dbcon,
name = tbl,
value = dat,
row.names = FALSE,
append = TRUE)
## Create example data
listofdb <- c("db1", "db2", "db3")
q1 <- paste0("CREATE DATABASE ", listofdb, ";")
sapply(q1, sendQuery)
listoftables <- paste0("tb", 1:5)
q2fmt <- "CREATE TABLE %s ( val DOUBLE )"
q2 <- sprintf(q2fmt, listoftables)
createtables <- function(db) {
sapply(q2, sendQuery, db = db)
db = db,
dat = data.table(val = rnorm(10)))
sapply(listofdb, create tables)
## Do the work
## Load all of the tables form different databases
my_db_list <- getQuery("SHOW DATABASES;", db = "")$Database
# [1] "db1" "db2" "db3"
table_list <- lapply(my_db_list, getQuery, query = "SHOW TABLES;")
names(table_list) <- my_db_list
# $db1
# Tables_in_db1
# 1: tb1
# 2: tb2
# 3: tb3
# 4: tb4
# 5: tb5
# $db2
# Tables_in_db2
# 1: tb1
# 2: tb2
# 3: tb3
# 4: tb4
# 5: tb5
# $db3
# Tables_in_db3
# 1: tb1
# 2: tb2
# 3: tb3
# 4: tb4
# 5: tb5
## The db name to the table_list data.tables and collapse
table_list <- lapply(names(table_list),
function(x) table_list[[x]][ , db := x])
table_list <- rbindlist(table_list)
setnames(table_list, c("tbl", "db"))
## Load all tables from all databases
table_list[ , full_name := paste(db, tbl, sep = ".")]
get_tables <-paste0("SELECT * FROM ", table_list$full_name, ";")
results <- lapply(get_tables, getQuery, db = "")
names(results) <- table_list$full_name
# val
# 1: -0.09380952
# 2: 0.81556657
# 3: 1.18589086
# 4: 0.19746379
# 5: 0.91738280
# 6: 1.30142674
# 7: 1.42089957
# 8: -0.16475130
# 9: 0.40345353
# 10: -1.31012033
## Remove example data
cleanup <- paste0("DROP DATABASE ", listofdb, ";")
sapply(cleanup, sendQuery)