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Swift: Why the CustomStringConvertible description is run too many times in this case?

I was trying this code in Xcode Playground and noticed that the description getter method got called too many times.

The code is here:

First with both print lines, the code is run 3176 times.

enter image description here

Then with the first print commented out, the code is run 3164 times.

enter image description here

That means the first print would have to run the code 12 times. However,

enter image description here

it is 148 times instead.


  • It is the playground that is messing with your head.

    Playground is counting calls of its own for variables that have the CustomStringConvertibe protocol (probably to feed the information on the right side panel).

    You can see this going on if you simply invoke mirror(tree) without printing at all.

    If you count the actual number of invocations using your own counter, it will give a very different result:

     var descCount = 0
     extension Node: CustomStringConvertible {
         var description: String 
             descCount += 1
             return "id: \(id)\nleft: \(left)\nright: \(right)"
     descCount = 0
     descCount   // 12
     descCount = 0
     descCount   // 12 

    By the way, I had a little trouble understanding the mirror() function and I figured that a recursive one would probably be simpler to understand. How about adding a mirror() function to Node :

     func mirror() -> Node
        let result = Node()      = id
        result.left    = right?.mirror()
        result.right   = left?.mirror()
        return result

    [EDIT] Here's a non-recursive mirror function (same logic as yours) with a somewhat clearer structure:

     func mirror2(tree:Node) -> Node
        // will return top of mirrored tree
        let newTree = Node()
        // node pair used for traversal and duplication
        var original:Node! = tree
        var mirrored:Node! = newTree
        // traversal of tree structure left side first
        // (uses mirrored tree to keep track of traversed nodes)
        while original != nil
           // carry node identifier (and contents eventually)
           // downwards, mirror left side first (if not already done)
           if (original.left == nil) != (mirrored.right == nil)
              original       = original.left
              mirrored.right = Node()
              mirrored       = mirrored.right 
           // downwards, mirror right side second (if not already done)
           if (original.right == nil) != (mirrored.left == nil)
              original      = original.right
              mirrored.left = Node()
              mirrored      = mirrored.left
           // upwards from leaves and completed branches
           original = original.parent
           mirrored = mirrored.parent
        return newTree

    and some visual candy for tree descriptions:

     extension Node: CustomStringConvertible 
         var indent:String 
         { return "  " + (parent?.indent ?? "") }
         var description: String 
             return "\(id)\n"
                  + ( left  != nil ? "\(indent)L:\(left!)" : "" )
                  + ( right != nil ? "\(indent)R:\(right!)" : "" )

    resulting in an easier comparison of results:

     // 0
     //   L:1
     //     L:3
     //       L:7
     //       R:8
     //     R:4
     //       L:9
     //       R:10
     //   R:2
     //     R:6
     //       L:13
     //       R:14
     //  0
     //    L:2
     //      L:6
     //        L:14
     //        R:13
     //    R:1
     //      L:4
     //        L:10
     //        R:9
     //      R:3
     //        L:8
     //        R:7