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Is there a way to list pip dependencies/requirements?

Without going through with the installation, I want to quickly see all the packages that pip install would install.


  • This was tested with pip versions 8.1.2, 9.0.1, 10.0.1, and 18.1.

    To get the output without cluttering your current directory on Linux use

    pip download [package] -d /tmp --no-binary :all: -v

    -d tells pip the directory that download should put files in.

    Better, just use this script with the argument being the package name to get only the dependencies as output:

    pip download $PACKAGE -d /tmp --no-binary :all:-v 2>&1 \
    | grep Collecting \
    | cut -d' ' -f2 \
    | grep -Ev "$PACKAGE(~|=|\!|>|<|$)"

    Also available here.