I did a conditional statement on the div on data-ng-class and I want to somehow add this scope to the controller and specify when the url is /vegetarian to apply class 'egg' and i manually change url i want the class 'bacon' to be applied, but its not working, where I have i gone wrong?
<div data-ng-class="{'egg': isVeggie, 'bacon': !isVeggie }">
Text here
app.controller('foodCtrl', function ($scope, $location) {
$scope.location = $location;
$scope.isVeggie = false;
$scope.isVeggie = function() {
if(isVeggie === $location.path('/vegetarian')) {
return true;
this is not working. When I type /vegetarian, the class egg is being applied, but when I change the url to something else like /breakfast, the class 'egg' remains. How can I make this work? Thanks
Why the property and the function with the same name ? After all you will have only the function
$scope.isVeggie = false;
$scope.isVeggie = function() {
if(isVeggie === $location.path('/vegetarian')) {
return true;
Change your code to have only the function.
$scope.isVeggie = function() {
if(isVeggie === $location.path('/vegetarian')) {
return true;
and markup
<div data-ng-class="{'egg': isVeggie(), 'bacon': !isVeggie() }">
Text here