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create_or_get with data from user input

Trying to implement a user registration form on a website I can't make user input to be added as a new user to the database. I'm using Flask with Peewee, and have:

nUser ={
        'email': request.form['e_mail'],
        'uname': request.form['username'],
        'pword': request.form['password'],                     
        'time': strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

nUser = User.create_or_get()

where nUser is temporary dict for new user. I should mention, that with the official peewee docs I tried nUser, created = User.create_or_get(nUser) what returned an error of too many arguments.

A code about User class is below (stored in separate .py, but there is from models import * up there):

class User(Model):

    class Meta:
        database = db 

Although it looks like it "works" from a webuser side, no record is added to the database. Previously I did it with and it worked, but now I would like to switch to create_or_get() method since it would shorten my code and looks more efficient. Logging in for old users works, so the connection and access to the DB is fine. I would appreciate any hints.


  • The official documentation that you link to show that create_or_get takes keyword arguments only. To pass a dict, you need to use the ** syntax:
