I am not sure if an explanation is already documented on this, maybe im asking the wrong question, but i hope someone can help me with this issue.
I am looking for a value within a model array. My model looks like this:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
# product_category :text
serialize :product_category, Array
An example of an entry:
#<Product:0x0055cd0c1382b8> {
:id => 42266,
:product_category => [
[0] 8, [1] 3
I need to find all products that belong to product_category
3 or a combination of 3 and other categories.
I tried something like
ap Product.where(product_category: [8])
but this doesnt return anything.
If this question was already asked, please forward me to the right answer. If not, any time put towards helping me is greatly appreciated.
Though I would not recommend to do this, but a patch work would be as follows
Product.all.select { |m| m.product_category.include? '3' }
Don't use #serialize for any data that later on you need to query