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Functional test "get" requests and the https protocol

I'm trying to write a functional test for an action that must run over https. I'm not testing the HTTPS redirect - I already know that works from another test.

What I'm trying to do is:

get :new, :protocol => "https://"
assert_redirected_to :root

But this does not issue the request over https. Is there a "get" option that will allow me to change the protocol?

Also, if I try to specify the url (e.g.: get "https:/") I get a routing error, since there's no route at my rails level for https - it's taken care of at my web server level.


  • I found a much simpler answer here:

    Which is to put the following line either (a) at the beginning of each functional test where SSL is needed, or (b) in the 'setup' method if every action in a controller uses SSL.

    @request.env['HTTPS'] = 'on'

    This prepends all requests with https