How can I dynamically change value of tag (i.e. id and name)? Here I am providing static value for tag but I want to change it dynamically. My code is :
$scope.formFields = [ {
className : 'row',
fieldGroup : [
className : 'col-xs-12',
type : 'tag',
key : 'mytag',
templateOptions : {
placeholder : 'Select...',
} ]
} ];
$scope.myForm = {
You can write a function to send the values, then using these values to set it dynamically
$scope.myForm = {mytag : [{"id":"1","name":"data"}]};
$scope.setValues = function(value1,value2){
$scope.myForm.mytag[0].id = value1;
$scope.myForm.mytag[0].name = value2;