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ZF3 zend-mvc generic route for many controllers in one module not working

I'm in ZF3, using the zend-mvc-skeleton and trying to configure a generic route that will match as many URLs as possible as I want to be able to create new controllers (including action methods of course), and have them immediately available.

The common approach described in the documentation is to write a route that matches the controller and action (same with ZF2).

Here is my module.config.php

namespace Application;

use Zend\Router\Http\Literal;
use Zend\Router\Http\Segment;
use Zend\ServiceManager\Factory\InvokableFactory;

return [
    'router' => [
        'routes' => [
            'home' => [
                'type'    => Literal::class,
                'options' => [
                    'route'    => '/',
                    'defaults' => [
                        'controller' => Controller\IndexController::class,
                        'action'     => 'index',
            'default' => [
                'type' => Segment::class,
                'options' => [
                    'route'    => '/application[/:controller[/:action]]',
                    'defaults' => [
                        'controller' => Controller\IndexController::class,
                        'action'     => 'index',
                    'constraints' => [
                        'controller' => '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*',
                        'action'     => '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*',
    'controllers' => [/* ... */],
    'view_manager' => [/* ... */],

It works like a charm for http://localhost/ and http://localhost/application calling the indexAction() function of the IndexController class inside the /module/Application/src/IndexController.php file.

However, it's not working when I try to get the fooAction() function in the same Controller (i.e. IndexController). It's not resolving correctly http://localhost/application/foo. and I get the following error:

A 404 error occurred

Page not found.

The requested controller could not be mapped to an existing controller class.

foo (resolves to invalid controller class or alias: foo)

No Exception available

Same error if I try http://localhost/bar/foo to get the fooAction() in the barController.

Do you have any idea of what's wrong with this? Any help will be appreciated. Many thanks.


  • The route http://localhost/application/foo won't resolve to fooAction() in the index controller, since /foo in the URL will match the controller not the action. With that route setup you would need to visit http://localhost/application/index/foo.

    To get it working you'll also need to make sure you have aliased your controller in the config, e.g. assuming you have:

    'controllers' => [
        'invokables' => [
            'Application\Controller\Index' => \Application\Controller\IndexController::class

    Then alias the controller so it matches the route parameter:

    'controllers' => [
        'invokables' => [
            'Application\Controller\Index' => \Application\Controller\IndexController::class
        'aliases' => [
            'index' => 'Application\Controller\Index'

    You'll need to add aliases that match the route parameter for each controller that isn't registered using the string you want for the route, e.g. a controller Namespace\Controller\BarController should be aliased to bar, etc.