In my application there is some data which is used by other controllers to do their job.
So for example I need the user and some other entities to do REST calls to the server.
At the moment I have an AppController (app.js)
which loads basic data which will be used by controllers of all ng-views (see index.html).
The functions loadUser() and loadRequiredEntity()
store values received from REST-Calls in indexedDb
Any controller of ng-views which are displayed (see ng-view in index.html)
read the loaded data from indexedDb
I think there are some mayor problems with this approach:
loadUser() and loadRequiredEntity()
call services (for example userService) which execute rest-calls and return promises so AppController is finished before the entire data was loaded, right? So the controllers of ng-views begin to read from indexedDb before any value is stored there.How do I load basic data which is required to be there for use by other controllers? Is an AngularJs controller the right choice?
<body ng-app="app" id="appBody" ng-controller="AppController as appCtrl">
<md-content id="content" ng-view=""></md-content>
/// <reference path="../typings/tsd.d.ts" />
module app {
export class AppController {
static $inject = ['$log'];
private _LOG_PREFIX : string = 'AppController: ';
constructor(private $log: ng.ILogService) {
this.$ + 'started');
.then(this.markAsAuthenticated, this.handleLoadBasedataError);
As Melou mentioned ui-router solves the problem.
The basic data is loaded in an abstract state.
module app.core {
"use strict";
import LoadBasicDataService =;
function loadBasicDataForControllers(loadBasicDataService: LoadBasicDataService) : ng.IPromise<any> {
return loadBasicDataService.load();
loadBasicDataForControllers.$inject = ['loadBasicDataService'];
function configureCore($urlRouterProvider: angular.ui.IUrlRouterProvider, $stateProvider: angular.ui.IStateProvider){
templateUrl: "layout/main.html",
abstract: true,
resolve: {
'loadBasicDataForController': loadBasicDataForControllers
url: "/myComponent2",
template: "<myComponent2></myComponent2>"
url: "/myComponent1",
template: "<myComponent1></myComponent1>"
configureCore.$inject = ["$urlRouterProvider", "$stateProvider"];