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How to add fonts using tFPDF

I try to create pdf file using tFPDF with custom font.
I put arial font inside font/unifont folder.
I use this code to create pdf file:


$pdf->Cell(40,6, 'OÜ Kersti Võlu Koolituskeskus', 0, 1);

$pdf->Cell(40,12,'REGISTREERIMISLEHT', 0, 1);

$pdf->Output('test.pdf', 'I');

It works well on localhost, but when I uploaded this file on server, it shows me an error:

Warning: fopen(C:\xampp\htdocs\koolitus\wp-content\plugins\koolitus\fpdf/font/unifont/arialbd.ttf)

I see that library tries to load a font from my localhost, but I don't even set a path, just use font name
How to add fonts properly?


  • Delete all *.php and *.dat files in font/unifont folder except ttfonts.php. All this files will be re-created (with right path).