1- Is it possible to fire only selected rules for a particular customer in Drool. Suppose I have 100 rules these are rules from different customers. So when a particular customer opens up the application I want to fire only those rules which belong to him. It can be possible that a rule can belong to more than one customer.
2 - I want to get a list of rules which needed to be fired for a particular customer and a list of facts to fire those rules so that I can fetch only that particular facts from my db. And after fetching them, fire those rules which are specific to that customer
You'll have to identify the owning customers along with the rules, or maintain data associating a customer with rules. I think that the latter is to be preferred, but I'll outline both solutions. In any case, the Customer has to be identified by a fact.
rule "some rule"
Customer( id in ("Smith&Co", "Brown&Sons", "Jones Inc." ) )
then ... end
To associcate a Customer with rules you need:
class Customer {
private String name;
private List<String> rules;
and write an AgendaFilter
class RuleFilter implements AgendaFilter {
static List<Customer> customers = new ArrayList<>();
static {
static RuleFilter getFilterFor( String custname ){
for( Customer cust: customers ){
if( cust.getName().equals( custname ) ){
return cust;
throw IllegalArgumentException( "no customer: " + custname );
Customer current;
RuleFilter( Customer current ){
this.current = current;
// ... getters & setters
boolean accept( Match match ){
return current.getRules().contains( match.getRule().getName() );
And run the session for a customer by providing a filter instance:
AgendaFilter currFilter = RuleFilter( getFilterFor( customername ) );
fireAllRules( currFilter );