I try to use for comprehension to make a map of string to MyData case class.
Here is what I tried unsuccessfully :
case class MyDataProperty(name: String, value: String)
case class MyData(props: List[MyDataProperty])
def makeMyData(configs: List[Config]): Map[String, MyData] = {
for {
// loop through all configurations
conf <- configs
// Retrieve each config's list of properties and make a list of MyDataProperty object from it
props <- for(prop <- conf.properties) yield (MyDataProperty(prop.name, prop.value))
} yield (conf.name -> MyData(props)) toMap
This code gives me multiple compile errors. What is the correct way to build this kind of nest for comprehension and yield a map ?
With for comprehensions
your code should look like following:
def makeMyData(configs: List[Config]): Map[String, MyData] =
(for {
conf <- configs
props = for (prop <- conf.properties) yield MyDataProperty(prop.name, prop.value)
} yield conf.name -> MyData(props)).toMap