I have a file data whom I creating CSV file manually.
Then I parse that file and picked necessary data and create new CSV file from it.
Till that step things are good and working but the problem is when I open that new file in text file, it misses double quotes around each fields and there is no new line at the ending of each row.
Here is the data of CSV file:
TransactionNumber CustomerName ReferenceNumber PurchaseOrderNumber ShipCarrier ShipService ShipBilling ShipAccount EarliestShipDate CancelDate Notes ShipToName ShipToCompany ShipToAddress1 ShipToAddress2 ShipToCity ShipToState ShipToZip ShipToCountry ShipToPhone ShipToFax ShipToEmail ShipToCustomerName ShipToDeptNumber ShipToVendorID TotalCartons TotalPallets TotalWeight TotalVolume BOLNum TrackingNum TrailerNum SealNum ShipDate ItemNumber ItemQuantityOrdered ItemQuantityShipped ItemLength ItemWidth ItemHeight ItemWeight FreightPP WarehouseID LotNumber SerialNumber ExpirationDate Supplier Cost FulfillInvShippingAndHandling FulfillInvTax FulfillInvDiscountCode FulfillInvDiscountAmount FulfillInvGiftMessage SoldToName SoldToCompany SoldToAddress1 SoldToAddress2 SoldToCity SoldToState SoldToZip SoldToCountry SoldToPhone SoldToFax SoldToEmail SoldToCustomerID SoldToDeptNumber FulfillInvSalePrice FulfillInvDiscountPct FulfillInvDiscountAmt
242328 PARADIGM TRENDS 123810 40-402849 CUSTOMER PICK UP LTL FreightCollect HG BUYING- JEFFERSON DC 884 HG BUYING- JEFFERSON DC 884 125 LOGISTICS CENTER PKWY JEFFERSON AL 30549 US 30 0 30 0.0174 22 DOV3S 64 64 4 1 1 4 22 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
222223 123812 40-402850 12 3 DOV3M 64 64 4 1 1 4 442 0 0 0
242423 1238120 40-402851 33 67 3 BY3S 176 176 11 1 1 11 2 0 0 0
7868 1233810 40-402852 44 55 33 BY3M 176 176 11 1 1 11 45 0 0 0
989879 1234810 40-402853 53 442 7 6
1253810 40-402854 66 88
898 1263810 40-402855 88 66 6
888 1273810 40-402856 32 88 33
333 1235810 40-402857 8 8 9 5
55 1233810 40-402858 8 33 7
99 3332223 40-402859 8 7 96 5
996 356666 40-402860 8 65 44
Here the output of new file in text file:
123810,30,"CUSTOMER PICK UP",22,22,30123812,12,,,442,31238120,33,,3,2,67 1233810,44,,33,45,551234810,53,,7,6,4421263810,88,,,6,661273810,32,,,33,88
The desired output is:
"123810","30","CUSTOMER PICK UP","22","22","30"
PHP Code
ini_set("memory_limit", -1);
$realPath = realpath( dirname(__FILE__) );
$path = glob($realPath.'/3pltracking/*.csv');
$UpdPath = $realPath . '/3pltracking/';
$files = scandir($UpdPath);
$date = date('m-d-Y_his');
$result = array();
$csvData = array();
if (file_exists($path[0]))
if (($handle = fopen($path[0], "r")) !== FALSE)
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 10000, ",")) !== FALSE)
if($i==1) continue;
if($data[2] != ""){
$csvData[] = $data[2].','.$data[25].','.$data[4].','.$data[30].','.$data[41].','.$data[27];
$fp = fopen($realPath.'/3pltracking/TrackingFiles/Tracking_File_'.$date.'.csv', 'w');
foreach ($csvData as $line) {
fputcsv($fp, explode(",", $line));
echo "Your CSV File Has Been Created In Folder Name => 'TrackingFiles' On Your FTP";
} else {
echo "Please Upload Your CSV File First";
copy($UpdPath.$files[2], $realPath.'/3pltracking/UsedFiles/'.date('Y-m-d').'_'.rand(111, 999).'-'.$files[2]);
It is better when you build your csvData array to build a matrix and then you do not need to bother with the explode.
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 10000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
if($i==1) continue;
if($data[2] != "") {
$csvData[] = [$data[2], $data[25], $data[4], $data[30], $data[41], $data[27]];
$fp = fopen($realPath.'/3pltracking/TrackingFiles/Tracking_File_'.$date.'.csv', 'w');
foreach ($csvData as $row) {
fputcsv($fp, $row);
Then as @SergeyEremin mentioned, when you use fputcsv only fields that need to be enclosed will be, ie. fields with spaces or special chars etc.
If you absolutely need every field to be enclosed with quotes then you should probably not use fputcsv
but rather build the line exactly how you want it and just use fputs
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 10000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
if($i==1) continue;
if($data[2] != "") {
$csvData[] = '"' . $data[2] . '","' . $data[25] . '","' . $data[4] . '","' . $data[30] . '","' . $data[41] . '","' . $data[27] . '"' . "\r\n";
$fp = fopen($realPath.'/3pltracking/TrackingFiles/Tracking_File_'.$date.'.csv', 'w');
foreach ($csvData as $row) {
fputs($fp, $row);