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How to use Node.js to make a SSH tunneling connection to a MongoDB database

My credentials work perfectly with Robomongo but I can't make the connection with node.js
I have tried to make the connection using ssh2 and tunnel-ssh npm module and failed both times.
-The mongo connection does not require a password
-The ssh connection is made with a pem key

This is the code I've used with ssh2 module, I can establish the tunneling correctly but the mongo connection fails

var Client = require('ssh2').Client;

var conn = new Client();
conn.on('ready', function() {
    console.log('Client :: ready');
    //mongo connection
        var db = mongoose.connection;
        db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:'));
        db.once('open', function() {
            console.log("database connection established");
            var users = db.collection('user');
            var getallUsers = function (date, callback){
            getallUsers(null, function (data){
                console.log('data :'+  data);
    //end of mongo connection
    host: '**.**.**.**.**',
    port: 22,
    username: 'ec2-user',
    privateKey: key

And the code the tunnel-ssh

var config = {
    dstPort: 27000,
    user: 'ec2-user',
    host: '**.**.**.**.**',
    privateKey: key

var server = tunnel(config, function (error, server) {
        console.log("SSH connection error: " + error);
    console.log('database connection initalizing');

    var db = mongoose.connection;

    db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:'));
    db.once('open', function() {

        console.log("database connection established");

        var users = db.collection('user');
        var getallUsers = function (date, callback){
        getallUsers(null, function (data){


I'm not sure whether to use the regular MongoDB connection string after establishing the tunnel or referring to the database as localhost such as

Localhost gives me a permission denied error, the latter gives me a timeout


  • As mscdex mentioned ssh2 isn't a good module to use to make an ssh tunnel connection to a database. tunnel-ssh is more appropriate.

    Here are the configuration options I've used :

    dstPort: remote database connection port

    localPort: same as dstPort, It'll be the port you'll use for your local machine

    username: SSH username,

    host: SSH address

    dstHost: database connection url ( ,

    privateKey: SSH key

    Then once your tunnel is connected connect via mongoose to your localhost such as mondodb://localhost:27000 (use the localport you defined in localPort)

    var server = tunnel(config, function (error, server) {
            console.log("SSH connection error: " + error);
        // of mongoose connection