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How convert CookieContainer to string?

I try loop cookie container with loop, but its return error. How correct convert CookieContainer to string

foreach (Cookie item in cookieContainer)
    var data = item.Value + "=" + item.Name;

Error 2 The foreach statement can not be used for variables of type "System.Net.CookieContainer",


  • If you are only interested in the cookies for a specific domain, then you can iterate using the GetCookies() method.

    var cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
    var testCookie = new Cookie("test", "testValue");
    var uri = new Uri("");
    cookieContainer.Add(uri, testCookie);
    foreach (var cookie in cookieContainer.GetCookies(uri))
        Console.WriteLine(cookie.ToString()); // test=testValue

    If your interested in getting all the cookies, then you may need to use reflection as provided by this answer.